Monday, May 25, 2009

Are You Just Fooling Yourself?

It tends to amaze me how many people live their lives as if there are no consequences to their actions. You know what I mean - they overeat and yet are shocked that they are overweight; they eat a diet of processed, junk, fast "food" (and I use the term loosely!) and find it surprising that they have no energy or now have developed diabetes or some other illness; they never move their bodies except to change positions on the couch and are amazed that their clothes are tight and they barely have the energy to walk a block; or they smoke or drink and find it hard to understand why they are not healthy.

We are not stupid, yet we persist in fooling ourselves in this crazy way. The Bible puts it this way:

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. (Galatians 6:7)

Pretty clear. You may think you are fooling yourself and maybe in some way you are - simply because you choose to. But you are not fooling God. He created you and your body. He knows exactly how it works and how it will respond to what you do. It's your choice whether to care for it intelligently or to abuse it. And if you choose to abuse it, you take full responsibility for the result - whether you acknowledge what you're doing or not. It's a spiritual and a physical law.

Every action has a corresponding reaction. You eat fresh, whole foods and you nourish and fuel your body down to your cells. You eat junk and you simply put calories in that cause you to gain weight and starve your body down to the cells. You can become an obese person suffering from malnutrition!

Don't fool yourself. Be honest about what you are doing and why. Make choices that benefit you and get you back to basic health. Whatever you sow you will reap - either the rewards or the consequences - it's your choice.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Key to Long (Good) Life

In getting back to basics, for me, simplicity is key. There are thousands of websites with just as many different, new formulas for getting and staying healthy, fit, thin, younger and on and on! Information changes daily. So who do you believe?

For me the Source of all wisdom, God, is where I begin and end. For instance, researchers will tell you coffee is good for you one day and that you should avoid it like the plague the next. So, which is true? Is meat bad for you or not? Should you only eat vegetables? Chocolate is bad or is it a health food? You get my drift.

Proverbs 9:11 says, "For by me (wisdom) your days will be multiplied and years of life will be added to you."

I have based my life, as well as the principles I suggest to clients to improve their health, on God's unchanging and unfailing wisdom. I dare say if we would consistently act on his Word, our health would improve so dramatically, people will begin to ask what our secret is.

Take just one of His commands - to forgive. If we would consistently follow through on just this one command, most of our health problems would cease to exist. Negative, toxic thoughts translate into physical disease and disability. Our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs so powerfully impact our physical and mental health that simply obeying this one command would make all the difference in the world.

So next time you become overwhelmed with information overload - get back to basic health - turn to God's wisdom and see what He says about it. You absolutely can't go wrong.