Monday, September 14, 2009

For Such a Time As This!

As I was driving recently the scripture from Esther came to my mind: 4:14 "...who can say but that you have been elevated to the palace for just such a time as this?" Of course that was Esther's uncle Mordecai telling her that God may have allowed her to become Queen specifically because He knew that she would be in the perfect position to save her people from destruction.

It occurred to me that it's true of every one of us! No, we are not all in positions of royalty or power. We are not all called to save an entire nation from destruction. But we have all been placed here on this earth, in the specific place we live, and at this particular time because we are meant to impact our little part of the world and the people we love and live with and come in contact with on a daily basis!

I know some people think they're just a secretary or just a mom or just a teacher. There is no "just" about it! God doesn't make mistakes. He doesn't do anything without purpose. His thoughts are always higher than ours and He knows the end from the beginning so He always knows best!

I think the key here is to be mindful. Pay attention to the people around you and the opportunities God places before you to be a blessing in some way. Maybe just your smiling face and genuine greeting this morning may change a person's whole day! Your positive attitude and excellent work ethic may just change the entire atmosphere at your job.

Maybe you are in a particular job at this particular time because you are meant to interact with a specific person - either for their benefit or for yours! I worked for a law firm years ago and my boss was a very difficult man. I remember leaving work more often than not with my stomach in knots and my head throbbing. More than once I felt like I had to just leave that job even though I really loved the people I worked with and made some lifelong friends. I put feelers out for another position and doors remained closed so I took that to mean I was to stay put.

I was asked by one of the other girls in the office to be in her wedding party. I was paired with her brother-in-law, whom I have been happily married to for 26 years! Had I left, perhaps I would not have been able to accept her invitation to be in her wedding party and would not have met my husband. God has us strategically placed - I believe that!

So if you are unhappy where you are or if you feel what you are doing is unimportant and are waiting for something better - change your outlook. Nothing is unimportant and everyone has a purpose. God has a plan for each of us. It's up to us to be sensitive to His leading and make the most of where we are right now.

That's basic.

Affectionate Care

I was blessed to be able to spend a week with my oldest son, who came home for a few days off. We walked the Newburgh-Beacon bridge together, staying in shape and also discussing websites and writing and other things he and I particularly have in common. It was such a wonderful time and I enjoyed every minute I was able to spend with him. I really appreciate that a 24 year old young man would spend a few of his vacation days at home with his family. That is not something you hear too often and I know just how fortunate his dad and I are that our kids enjoy being here.

We went to the Middletown Galleria on Labor Day as Chris had several gift cards he wanted to use to purchase some clothes for work. We enjoyed walking around and looking at the sales. He found several beautiful sweaters that were on sale for 50% off and after trying them on went to pay. I decided to wait out in the mall while he did. It was taking an awfully long time as he was the only one at the cash register when I left him there so I went in to see what was taking so long.

Evidently there was a problem with the gift card. As it was issued by American Express as a reward for money he'd already spent, the manager was on the phone with AE to get it straightened out. After another 15 minutes or so Chris came out with his sweaters. I asked what happened and he explained that the representative on the phone insisted on speaking directly to him and admitted that it was a problem on their end with the card but refused to authorize Chris's purchase, instead saying he would send him another gift card. Chris explained that this was unacceptable since this was a sale and a card sent to his apartment wouldn't help him today. The person didn't get it and refused to authorize the purchase. Chris was prepared to tell the manager that since that was the case he could not purchase the sweaters. But she told him she'd take care of it and he walked out with the sweaters and another $50 gift card being mailed to his apartment.

Later that day we walked the bridge and he made such a wonderful comment to me. He said that in the scheme of things, the sweaters on sale and gift card problem was such a small, unimportant thing - and if God cared about his getting the sweaters and another card, he knew God was on top of the really important things going on in his life like his career and job!

What a wise and insightful young man! I immediately agreed wholeheartedly and 1 Peter 5:7 in the Amplified came to mind: Casting the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.

It brought that scripture to life for me in a very real way as I could imagine our loving Heavenly Father saying, "I know how hard Chris works and he is such a good steward of his resources - I want him to have these sweaters."

That may sound silly to you - but it is so getting back to basics - God is good - all the time - and He cares about everything that concerns me - even what others might consider unimportant. If it's important at all to me - it's important to Him!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Speaking the Truth

We are told to speak the truth in love to each other (Ephesians 4:15). But where do you draw the line between being honest with someone and just sympathizing with them to make them feel better? While I try always to be mindful of not offending anyone or being harsh or hurtful, this is a difficult thing for me.

If you are like me and always want to leave people feeling better than when they met you, this can sometimes be a very difficult choice to make. Would it really matter? So what if you just "yes" them - agree and sympathize? How could it hurt anything? Besides you come off as the good guy - they get stroked and you look like a saint.

If you really care about the person - it's simply not an option. As parents, we are called on to do it continually. You probably have no problem whatsoever telling your child they cannot play in the street or pretend to cook with a real knife; or telling your teen they must be home by 9 pm or cannot go to a particular place because it is not safe. Pretty simple, straightforward and clear cut. So why is it so difficult to tell a friend a truth about something?

Well, part of it, I think is not wanting to hurt someone who is already hurting, but part is selfish - you don't want them to dislike you. Come on, admit it - you want to be liked. Period. We all do. But when you remove that desire from the equation and focus solely on the "truth" of the issue being discussed, it becomes a little easier.

I recently had to make this decision during a conversation with a friend who is experiencing serious family issues as well as health problems. She calls fairly often to tell me what's been happening. I realized that these calls were not only emotionally draining to me but nothing was changing. I was hearing the same story - just a different day - for years! I realized this command to speak the truth in love was one I was not obeying. I finally had to say that these calls simply rehashing and complaining about the situation were accomplishing nothing. She had repeatedly asked for suggestions on making some decisions and I shared what I thought. But she never did anything - except complain and sink deeper into the role of victim.

It was a painful conversation. I had to be honest and say what I felt she needed to hear. I apologized if I hurt her feelings but I couldn't have this same conversation myriad times for another ten years. Nothing will change unless someone takes a step. I pray fervently for her but she has not called since that last conversation. Perhaps she has found someone else to provide the sympathy she craves. Honestly I hope she really takes to heart what I said and is trying to make some progress. Regardless, I feel better that I didn't just tell her what she wanted to hear and leave her in the same condition.

This is definitely a basic - truth. We can't deal with any situation unless we get to the truth of the matter and deal with it. Nothing will change. Sometimes we have to be the agent of change in someone else's life. Be courageous - speak the truth, in love, and trust God to do the rest.