Monday, September 29, 2008

It's All In Your Head!

I have watched a series of programs on Pastor Benny Hinn's program recently where he interviewed Dr. Eric Braverman. These shows have been enlightening and encouraging. I love hearing a doctor - yes, a real, board certified, main stream, conventional doctor talk about the power of herbs, spices, teas, foods, bioidentical hormones and supplements in conjunction with medications, only when absolutely necessary. Dr. Braverman was talking about something I've not heard before - brain health. He says that if your brain is healthy and receiving the nutrients it needs to function optimally, you will be able to stay slim, to concentrate, have energy, sleep well and generally remain healthy. Although I've never heard any other doctor approach health that way, it makes perfect sense.

I immediately ordered his books which were being offered and I am anxious to be able to read in more detail exactly what herbs and spices he recommends. He shared that typically most herbs and spices contain so many nutritious substances that adding them to our meals increases the nutritional content exponentially! What a simple (and tasty) thing to do. But aren't we usually the ones who make things more complicated than they need to be?

I loved how he explained the importance of brain health. He said that the brain represents God in our bodies - it controls all other functions - just as God is sovereign and over all the universe. How logical. God tells us that He has given us trees and seeds for our health and healing but we read that and fail to take it literally! We just leave it out there in the spiritual realm when it refers directly to our physical health. From his years of research and experience Dr. Braverman is proving the absolute literal truth of the scriptures that speak about the wonderful, healthy food God created and provided for us.

It is encouraging beyond imagining to hear a doctor go on television and not only talk about the natural, holistic methods he uses, both personally and with his patients, but also to give God the glory for it!

In my opinion we need more doctors like Dr. Braverman.

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