Thursday, April 2, 2009

Always Awake

I've been reading some very interesting research on the brain. Our brain is the command post of our bodies. I heard one Christian doctor compare the brain to God. He said the brain controls the body as God controls the heavens and earth. I have to agree. One very critical element many of us are deficient in is sleep. And the brain and body absolutely must have adequate sleep in order to function properly.

We can all agree to that, I'm sure. I know if I don't sleep well for a few days in a row, not only do I lack energy, but I find I just cannot think clearly. Did you ever wonder why your thinking is so dramatically affected?

Your brain never really stops working! If it did, you wouldn't wake up. Your brain is busy orchestrating your body's maintenance processes. Dead and aging cells are replaced, muscles, tissues and organs are repaired and renewed, hormones and important immune-boosting chemicals are released. That's also why you are so much more susceptible to getting sick when you haven't slept well for a few nights. Your immune system is compromised.

It also takes any information you learned that day and consolidates it and makes it possible for you not only to remember it but to understand it more clearly. You actually lose about 30% of what you learn on any given day and up to two days earlier without adequate sleep. A study was done on birds and a specific part of their brains replayed songs they learned during the day while they slept. It seems even they depend on sleep for a sharp, well-functioning memory!

In comparing the brain to God, it reminded me of Psalm 121:3, 4 "He will not let your foot slip; He Who watches over you will not slumber; indeed He Who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep." I don't know about you, but that is very comforting to me. It doesn't matter what time of night or day - He is aware of me and my needs.

Your brain is created in such a way that certain functions only occur when you are asleep. So, technically, your brain is not sleeping, but when your body slows down and relaxes into refreshing, deep sleep, certain areas of your brain activate those important maintenance functions that are not activated when you are awake.

So one of the absolute basics for real health, is to be sure to get adequate sleep every night. Your body needs it and you will be allowing your brain to do what it was created to do for you. No matter what is keeping you up and preventing you from sleeping, remember, God is already up - let Him handle it. You know He will do a much better job anyway!

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