Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Real Secret

I got some comments from people about my post from a few days ago entitled "I've Got A Secret" about my thoughts on "The Secret." I just wanted to expand on that whole theme a little more. I am a freelance writer and have an article being considered for publication right now on the power of belief, expectation and its effect on health.

I certainly agree there is something to "The Secret." My problem with it all, I guess, is that these principles originated with God, but most people are not open to them unless they are presented as coming from another source. It's certainly no secret (excuse the pun) that Christianity is unpopular in this country today. I won't even go into people wanting to take "In God We Trust" off our money or remove the pledge of allegiance from our schools because it mentions God - how about not being able to say "Merry Christmas" because some people may be offended by that? What's next - can't say "God bless you" if someone sneezes?

Without getting totally off on a tangent - so many of the powerful principles God gives us in His Word have been taken and remade by more acceptable, "new age" sources. Take visualization. You know, picturing what it is you desire, really feeling the emotion of having it, and you then draw it to yourself. I read the book by Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics and I highly recommend it. He talks in great detail about the theatre of the mind. Well, so does God! Read the passage about the Tower of Babel. Those people imagined it, got together and worked together to build it. According to one translation, God says nothing they imagine will be withheld from them. If you read that book, I also suggest you read The Fourth Dimension by David Yonggi Cho. Same principles, however, he attributes them to God and His Word.

Powerful. God gave us our imaginations so we can create. Just as He does. After all we are made in His image. I think it's perfectly fine to imagine yourself strong, healthy, thinner, successful - whatever it is you are trying to change or accomplish. In fact, I think you absolutely should. God tells us as we think/believe in our hearts we are!

There are several new branches of science that are researching the power of thoughts, beliefs, emotions and expectation on our health and since we are tri-part beings - spirit, soul and body - these things have a huge impact whether, we believe in them or not!

You can google Dr. Bruce Lipton who is the founder of epigenetics, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer the developer of German New Medicine (who believes diseases like cancer are triggered by stressful events) or Dr. Candace Pert who has researched and written several books about the impact of our emotions on our physical health. All well-respected experts in their fields.

So - there is definitely a "secret" - I just think it's a shame that for most people the real secret is that it all begins and ends with God.

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