Monday, November 17, 2008

What's Your Filter?

I believe a critical part of being truly healthy is having the right perspective. Everything we experience in life is based on our perception of it. What frightens, angers or depresses me may not even register on your emotional radar screen!! It all stems from how I perceive it.

What may seem like an insurmountable and impossible obstacle to me, only seems so because it is how I choose to see it. A previous experience, how I was raised, my family's beliefs all come into play here. These past experiences are stored in our subconscious and create very personal "filters" through which we each see the world and our own personal lives. The bottom line, however, is whether God sends that thing/experience directly or not, if it happens, He has allowed it. He will use it for our good and His glory if we'll choose to look at it from His perfect perspective instead of our flawed one.

His Word says: "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26) and "everything is possible for him who believes" (Mark 9:23).

I know that can seem like so many pretty words. The meat of the issue is: how do I actually do it? We have to teach ourselves to think like God does. Staying in His Word is the basic and best way. How do you know what your husband/wife/parent/friend thinks about a subject? You spend time with them and listen to what they think. It's no different with God. Feeding our spirits and souls on uplifting and encouraging messages - whether on CD or in a book - is also very effective.

Someone sent me a video recently that I found beyond powerful and made me think about my own perspective on certain issues. If you are struggling with thoughts and feelings of inadequacy or weakness, I encourage you to visit and scroll to the November 11, 2008 post entitled "Get Up Your Goals are Waiting for You." Watch the five minute video.

You'll see things differently - I guarantee it!

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