Monday, November 24, 2008

It's a Win-Win Proposition!

Everything is a seed you can sow in order to yield a harvest. Literally. Everything! Of course the type of seed determines the quality of the harvest. You are sowing seeds constantly whether you know it or not. As I said before, everything is a seed. Here are just a few examples:

thoughts, words, money, kindness, love, respect, faith, honesty, peace, discipline, integrity, prayer, patience, encouragement, compassion, understanding, generosity, excellence, grace, mercy, forgiveness, joy, obedience, enthusiasm, ideas, expectation, dreams, gratitude, liberty, praise, worship, consistency, talents, gifts, sincerity, a smile, faithfulness, truth, loyalty, action, perseverance, tenacity.

So often the focus is on money - financial seed - but as you can see, it is only one type of seed. God tells us that whatever type of seed we sow, that's the type of harvest we will reap (Galatians 6:7). So if you need money, by all means sow a financial seed. If you need friendship, be a friend to someone. If you need favor, show favor to someone. If you need prayer, pray for someone else. If you are down, go encourage someone.

Ephesians 6:8 tells us whatever good thing we need ourselves, if we sow it into someone else's life, it will return to us. I have experienced the truth of this many times. Recently I sowed a financial seed into a ministry that sends me wonderful daily, scriptural motivational messages. They have been so powerful and so relevant to my life, I felt God was impressing it upon me to become a partner with that ministry, which I have.

The lovely lady who writes the motivations contacted me with a beautiful message of thanks. Several days later she contacted me again to say she had visited my new website, the address of which appeared in my email signature, and was so impressed, she felt led to sow a seed into my business and offer me several months of free advertising. What an incredible seed! I not only took her up on that gracious offer, but I put a link to her website on mine as well.

I believe she will reap a hundred-fold return on her generous seed. This is a wonderful picture of Matthew 7:12, known to most as The Golden Rule. I encourage you to visit and sign up for their daily motivation - it will bless you. I also encourage you to sow as many good seeds as possible each day - the harvest will be awesome!

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